Every two years at the Grand Chapter Conclave, the highest performing chapters nationally are recognized with the Buchanan Outstanding Chapter Award. The Buchanan Cup – colloquially called a ‘Buc Cup’ – represents superior and sustained achievement in our Fraternity and its vision.
During the 56th Grand Chapter Conclave in Houston this summer, WA Alpha was awarded its third consecutive Buc Cup. Vice President of Finance Jack Ellis worked extensively on the application with help from influential outgoing seniors and fellow Executive Board member Riley Hamilton.
The mentorship of Balanced Man Steward Peter Varney was necessary in the achievement as well. A committed alumni volunteer, Varney stood alongside active members in Houston to accept the hardware.
Committed to excellence, WA Alpha is now in pursuit of a Golden Buc Cup – awarded only to chapters who have displayed a decade of excellence winning five Buc Cups in a row.
It’s still four years out, but SigEp at WSU is more than halfway there and shows no signs of slowing down.
The chapter is a force of leadership at Washington State and will continue to lead not only the Greek community, but the entire student body to become the best student organization on campus.